A journey towards the ultimate truth

Category: Spirituality

How can we identify a Spiritual Person?

Spiritual people are as common as all people and difficult to identify from the crowd. They are usually free of outward ostentatious adorations like particular coloured attire, beard, shaved or matted hair or adorned necklaces. There is also a misconception that they stay in forests, caves, or the Himalayas. We can find spiritual people very much amongst us, but the only problem is we fail to recognize them.

What is platonic/spiritual love?

Love is a word with different ethos in different contexts and hence much misused and misunderstood. The most trivial love is our love for worldly objects and individuals. Such love could be for a vehicle, a pet, a house, wealth, relations, parents, children and near and dear ones. This love is the most basic outward emotional bonding born out of worldly attachments, a part of the family or social conditioning. Another love is the attachment between individuals of the opposite sex born out of wedlock or companionship. This is also one related to the material mind.

Path to the Ultimate Supreme Principle

Our birth distorts our vision and, leads us on an errand path away from the ultimate supreme principle. `Sometime after we get conceived and when we are born, we have started our journey as a soul with our consciousness ensheathed within the causal, subtle and gross bodies.

Order out of Chaos

There is a multitude of religions but inherently intended for a common purpose in essence. This inferred non-difference across religions is that they all stand for the fulfillment of one objective with one great process or one great spiritual purpose. What is that great purpose? That great purpose is Religare- to re-bind yourself back onto that Supreme Cosmic Source of your being.