A Myth/False?

Acceptable Explanation Though not the Truth

The first creations that manifested in the region of Himalaya (Kashmir, Tibet and Mansarovar) by the volitional power of Ādi Nārāyan were called divine creation because of their being highly learned and of truthful nature. With time their number increased to 33 crores. Sometimes, these pious, virtuous, saintly and learned humans were addressed as 33 crore divinities.

The Truth or the Fact

There are only 33 devtas, as can be found in Atħarv Ved.

“yasya thraya thrinshath dhevā nidħim rakshanthi sarvadhā” – Atħarv Ved 10/7/23

The 33 divinities are the 8 Vasus (benevolent entities), Dhvādhash Ādhithy (12 aspects of Sun), Aekādhash Rudhr (11 sadness/cry inducers), Prajāpati and Indr. The 8 benevolent entities are – the 5 gross elements, the Sun, the moon and the planets (all planets put together as one entity). Through them or with them, the entire creation is related and hence referred to as benevolent entities. The 12 aspects of the Sun – represent the 12 solar months that eat away into our age. The 11 inducers of sadness are the 5 subtle sense organs, the 5 life forces, and the subtle mind that go out of the body with the soul at the time of death, making family and relatives cry or feel saddened. Prajāpati is a term used for yajn itself. Yagn essentially represents any human endeavour or practice that leads to material, mental or spiritual advancement. It can include burning of essence or aromatic substances in the fire to purify the environment, practices of yog like breathing exercises (Prānāyam etc.) for mental and physical upliftment or meditation for spiritual attainment. Prajāpati means a leader, and since the above are lead endeavours for sustenance and upliftment of the quality of life, these as a unit constitute Prajāpati or leader. The 13th divinity or devta is Indr, literally meaning lightning or electricity but can include radiation and so in general ‘energy’, the prime basis of the glory of the universe’s existence. These then are the 33 gross or insentient divinities not worthy of reverence, adoration or worship. They are considered Devtas because of their life-sustaining properties or abilities.

There is only one Supreme Lord above all who alone is the adorable one for all. Therefore, the practice of worship of 33 crore divinities is simply a gift of false mythical tradition.