Creation occurred in two forms; creation of the universe and the creation of organism or life forms. There are two forms of creative energy: 

  1. Matter energy or Material energy by which subtle subatomic particles with kinetic energy manifested from the unmanifest state that over course of time got organized by design into atoms, molecules, elementary matter, the universe and the sentient bodies of organisms.
  2. Principle energy or energy of consciousness that on entry into the sentient containers or bodies (unicellular or multicellular) gets identity as individuals with conscious abilities.

Evolution of organisms is essentially appearance of increasingly complex sentient bodies by design to give a strong illusory idea of transformation from a pre-existing simpler form; a thought that has given rise to a weakest possible branch of science – “Evolution”. The so-called theory of evolution has for its base, the concept of contingent mutation and natural selection’. 

The process of macroevolution is nothing but a hypothesis with no shred of evidence to validate and yet called science. Essentially, it is an evolution of consciousness represented by the appearance of progressively complex sentient bodies for the consciousness to express increasing levels of its potential, to culminate in a human form with immense potentials of thought, action, manipulation, invention, self-questioning, logic, reasoning, exploitation etc.

This is what the ‘Dasavatara’ of Vishnu of Hindus indicate. The ten avatars (incarnations) – Matsya; Kurma, Varaha, Narasimha, Vamana, Parashurama, Rama, Krishna, Buddh and Nishkalank (Kalki) represent evolution of consciousness in higher levels of sentient bodies.

Though, Parashurama, Rama and Krishana are all human form of incarnates; they represent higher levels of expression of consciousness in terms of their actions. The last two, Buddh and Nishkalank incarnations are not of Vishnu (a misunderstanding due to lack of spiritual wisdom) and are actually manifestations of the highest levels of Consciousness from another plane or dimension*.

Science simply provides the human intellect with the opportunity to grasp about anything and everything that is manifest including self in a logical and systematic fashion based on the fundamental principles of physics, chemistry and biology. The very fact that everything in the universe including organisms and self could be explained and understood under sound principles indicates that the universe and the varied life forms have not come into existence by chance and with no purpose as ‘ill-informed scientists’ and ‘not science per se’ want us to believe. They have manifested by intelligent design and purpose as conceived by a super-scientist or entity. This design no doubt envisages the possibility of microevolution by DNA changes, environmental compulsions and natural selection as correctly understood by science but not macroevolution.

The publicised notion of having created artificial life in this context is no doubt, truly artificial and not real. To me, acceptable creation of artificial life becomes meaningful only when man can create a cellular organism (that means with consciousness and purposive actions denoting an identity of self) from scratch starting with inorganic elements and form a cell with cytoplasm, nucleus and all organelles. It is easy to create artificial DNA but not a speck of living protoplasm. The secret of creating DNA is made available to man but not the secret of protoplasm/cytoplasm. So creating a new bacterium or cell using the sentient cellular environment and artificial DNA is not a creation of artificial life. To me, man can boast as a creator god only when, and on that day, he/she creates sentient protoplasm and instils consciousness to make the cell function as an organism.  

* Details of this shall be seen in another section.