Be an early riser, know why and learn to rise early

Early to bed and early to rise

Benjamin Franklin

I had been an early riser from early childhood as I was born into a family of early risers as a rule or discipline. This habit continued into my adulthood, and as a rule, I had to wake up before sunrise. In the early part of my life, being in a village background, my family members used to rise early, take a bath and start their chores and rituals, may it be household activities or religious practices. I could see that all men around me never let the Sun catch them in bed. They never did dilly dally in bed and used to spring into action.

Not that I did not love my sleep. I did, but I realized that I would be wasting hours of my life that I could never get back. Though I used to set the alarm, I habitually woke up before the alarm went off. I switch off the alarm much before it can go off. I had woken up early and kick-started my preparations related to my professional duties throughout my life.

Before I goad others to become early risers, I need to mention some great men and their early rising experiences.

Successful early risers

Read about the great men of history, and you will find that they were all early risers. That had used the morning to read, write, think or plan for the day.

  1. Daniel Webster – a statesman who used the morning to answer about twenty to thirty letters he received from constituents and other politicians.
  2. Benjamin Franklin – would wake up at 5 am every morning and wash, dress and plan his day’s work.
  3. Theodore Roosevelt –used to get up before dawn and try to get an early start on living his day strenuously.
  4. Ernest Hemmingway – always did his best writing in the morning. No disturbance in the morning, calm and pleasant, and start writing and warmed up as kept writing. Beginning at 6 am, he would continue writing until noon.
  5. Immanuel Kant – a philosopher, would wake up at 5 am, have tea, smoke a pipe, and meditate.
  6. Thomas Jefferson –believed in using every moment of his life to its fullest. He was up every day before sunrise. He used to record the weather every morning and then start a fire in his study, sit by it with his feet in cold water and meditate about the day’s activities or any scientific hypothesis or political theories he was working on then.
  7. Benito Juarez – First indigenous national of Mexico to serve as president. He used to wake up before dawn to study. His daily studying and thinking habits gave him insight and wisdom to restore democracy to Mexico.

The list is long, but only some stand cited to convey the message.

What are the benefits of waking up early?

  1. Higher productivity: It is quiet in the morning, children are asleep, and business has not started yet. You can quickly get a head start at this time of the day. Plan the activities for the day, use the time for effective study or professional planning and/or execution, catch up on mails, do exercise or take care of those things that tend to get overlooked during the day’s work.

Many people do extra activities like writing or additional jobs or activities apart from their work or study.

  • It can amplify your health, wealth, career and relationship multifold.

Waking up early in the morning! What can it do to you?

Science spells out clearly that the morning hours can uplift your spirit like no other time. It can invigorate you ten times more and keep you confident and focused on your goals for the rest of the day.

It would be best to keep your Spirit or the Soul, the seat of your emotions and character, in its highest form to perform efficiently with all your abilities.

Because of this, yogis/mystics and spiritual practitioners start their activities early in the morning because of a state of heightened spirit and energy.

Many scientists, national leaders, film stars, and CEOs have trained to wake up early to perform to their highest potential with greater confidence, energy, and courage.

You need to conquer your lazy mind to get up early in the morning to awaken your spiritual self that could help create health, wealth, relationship and happiness.

You need to take a few steps to achieve success and glory on both the worldly and spiritual fronts.

  1. Eliminate lethargy and goad yourself to get up before the sunrise (Brahmamuhurta).
  2. Reframe your deficient mindset to the highest efficiency.
