
Dev (the divine one), Gandħarv (heavenly musicians, a class of demigods in the paradise of Indra), Yaksh (another type of demigods), Kinnar (a mythical class of celestial persons known for their riches) and Nāg (hooded snakes).

Dev or Divine ones:

dhīvyathi ithi dhevaha”. Whoever is invested with divine qualities is devta (divine being). The first creations fully endowed with divinity manifested in the regions of Kashmir, Mānsrovar and Tibet in the Himalayas. Therefore, this part is designated as ‘Devlok’ (the paradise or the world of gods or devtas). Divinity Vishnu had entered into a meditational state on the bank of the lake Mānsarovar, which is named ‘ksheer sāgar’ or ‘milky ocean’ because of the whitish milk-like appearance in its frozen state. Shiv set up his meditational place in Kailās while Brahma got immersed in his acquisition of wisdom and meditation in the Himalayas. Indra set up his abode Indrapuri’ while Kuber made his ‘Alkāpuri’.


Those who are adept in the art of music are called Gandħarv.


In the course of population expansion from the divine creations, some of them acquired richness. They were the ones called Yaksh.


Kuber, the leader of Yaksh (rich ones), was also called ‘Kinnaresh’. Hence Yaksh and Kinnars are identical.


Those divinities or Aryas who became fallen ones by acquiring negative qualities got exiled to the southern part, and gradually they moved away from Vedic culture. In due course of time by the loss of Vedic culture, they came to be known by the surnames of ‘Kapi’ or ‘Vānar’ (monkey), ‘Nāg’ (vicious snake), ‘Reech’ (bear), ‘Asur’ (wicked), ‘Dhaithy’ (monster), ‘Rākshas’ (demon) etc. They gradually spread and occupied the shorelands, islands and even America. Some amongst them reacquired the divine qualities and became memorable divinities again, like the devout Prahlad of the monster clan and the great warrior Hanuman of the monkey clan. So the Nāgs depicted as inhabitants of the nether world in the mythological texts are none but who migrated to and occupied America.