Material scientists allude stubbornly to the false idea of ‘primacy of matter’. So, they remain confounded and baffled by Consciousness. Questions such as ‘why we have it? & how we have it?’ have remained unanswered. 

One theory suggests Consciousness, as created on a quantum, subatomic scale through the energy, contained continuously in the Universe. This theory derives its base from the concept’ energy can neither be created nor destroyed; change from one form to another’ is the only possibility.

Dr David Hamilton opines that Consciousness had been there, is there, and will be there in the Universe as quantum particles. When an individual is born, these particles get channelled into a physical being.

To quote him “I believe that each of us exists before we are born on earth”. He further said, “Each of us is pure consciousness, currently focused in a physical dimension”.

Science believes that life is random and ultimately originates from the accidental birth of subatomic particles. This concept has no basis and is unacceptable.

Mainstream science considers Consciousness as a by-product of brain chemistry. As a matter of fact, on the contrary, the brain is merely a gadget of Consciousness. In this context, the brain merely affects Consciousness and is merely a processor. And hence, the quality of its neural wiring only affects the quality of information/picture that it processes just as a TV cannot create a program so the brain cannot create Consciousness.   

Consciousness is more of a fundamental entity of the Universe and is an integrated entity of the very fabric of reality. It, therefore, transcends both time and space. If all individuals exist as pure Consciousness, then, all should have existed even before they were born.

Dr Robert Lanza believes that minds exist through the energy contained in our bodies and that it gets released once our physical bodies cease to exist. He calls this process as biocentrism. In this context, when the physical bodies die, Consciousness’s energy would continue to exist on a quantum level. According to Dr Lanza, there are an infinite number of universes and, everything that could possibly happen occurs in some universe. 

Hence, his theory suggests that Consciousness continues to exist in a parallel universe. It is very encouraging that some scientists favourably are looking to understand and answer Consciousness question in a scientific context. Though science can accept Consciousness as an abstract non-matter entity, we need to look towards the spiritual domain to understand the nature and source of Consciousness. Only such an integration of spirituo-matter science would enable us to understand Consciousness’s true nature and its subtleties.