A journey towards the ultimate truth

Month: December 2020

Science and Spirituality: Part – 2

Spirituality is the science of ‘purposeful life’, and the dimension of spirituality extends beyond this Universe to a realm beyond the manifest cosmos (Universe of universes). Though material or physical science could be of some aid in understanding the dimension of spirituality within this Universe, an understanding of the dimension of spirituality beyond the cosmos would need a bent of mind of spiritual science.

Navratri: Part – 2

Navratri means nine nights. The number 9 has great significance as it is considered a divine number as it is accurate, complete, magical and mystical. It represents the manifestation of infinite cosmos from null or void. Number 9 is an imperishable and indomitable number representing the Cosmic spirit.

Navratri: Part – 1

During the festival of nine nights (Navratri), devotional worship of goddesses (devis) is the tradition. Mythical mythologies (purans) depict such worship; however, these scriptures are of recent times (since about 5000 years) and are of worldly or of human origin.

The Great Flood Myth: Part – 2

There is a flood story myth in every world culture across time. We had reviewed the history of flood myth amongst the various world cultures in the first part of this series. The question is, are the myth stores about the flood real or merely myth only? Many of the tales are merely popular belief but false stories. What about the flood stories? Are the narrations of a flood mere myths or there was a flood?

The Great Flood Myth: Part – 1

Many cultures and religions have their own narration of an almost identical mythical flood. The episode of the flood is a highly recycled story over a while by different cultures/religions. Though the event is a common one cited by all, there are nevertheless, some differences in terms of narration, cause, and personnel involved.