A journey towards the ultimate truth

Month: November 2020

A Kaleidoscopic View of World Religions

Do all paths lead to the Ultimate Principle? Are all different religions or faiths/sects different paths to the same goal (God)? Did God make different religions as many consider? I don’t think that God has made any religion let alone motivated anyone to create a religion.

Essence of Dipawali

Every year people wait to celebrate Dipawali with a festive spirit by lighting lamps or decorating homes with colourful festoons of electric bulbs and by bursting crackers and with colourful fireworks. The celebration has been reduced to a mere festivity for colourful lightings, exchange of sweets and bursting crackers. Every year children wait for the fun time and elders make it an occasion for eating sweets and wearing new clothes.

Shraaddh Ritual – Part 4

Having understood that the spirits of dead people (so called ancestors) cannot return as, after discarding the present body, the soul gets cut off from all previous relations and starts off new relations entering into another body, the question is ‘how and why did the ritual of ancestral oblations (Shraadh) come into vogue.

Shraaddh Ritual – Part 3

As mentioned in the previous part, Sharaadh is essentially service of parents, elders, teachers and guests done with full devotion during their life time. This was the order of the day and was practiced probably in the olden times. In the modern times with increasing scientific and technological advancements and materialistic pursuits people have become more selfish, less considerate and self-centered.